The Somerton Man Carl Webb’s WWII Death Poems Staged in His Eternal Shadow-Show “Tamám Shud”: A Lasting J. C. Williamsonian Suicide Mystery Play Still Staging, Now Featuring Us, from the Somerton Beach in Australia Since Its Opening on Nov. 30, 1948
In this new and updated 2024 OKCIR Report, sociologist Mohammad H. Tamdgidi reports how his 2021 reported solution to deciphering the Somerton Man’s code as a suicide note anticipated and can more reliably prove the still unconfirmed (and, as proposed based on procedurally flawed mask-hair DNA analyses, not confirmable) 2022 unofficial identification of his identity as Carl Webb, break the impasse in solving the rest of the case to explain the mystery of his end-of-life story, and even shed light on another death mystery. [read more]