Journal Article — Writing Queer Across the Borders of Geography, Desire, and Power — by Miguel Malagreca


In this essay, I position myself as a queer writer in the confines of language, nationality and sexuality with the intention of opening a venue for a non essentialist I to dialogue with anybody situated within the highly politicized arena of queer politics.

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In this essay, I position myself as a queer writer in the confines of language, nationality and sexuality with the intention of opening a venue for a non essentialist I to dialogue with anybody situated within the highly politicized arena of queer politics. I refer to my politics differently throughout this essay: I call them politics of the real, or politics from a transitional space, or politics of the radical alterity, or simply queer politics. Political representation is a continuously sliding terrain connecting the personal and the political, a terrain with no security, opened up for dialogue and gestures that attempt to capture something of the infinite difference at the heart of humanity that, paradoxically, can never be completely codified. I wish to experiment here with a writing that encompasses the political, the personal, and the symbolic. In locating myself within my study, I am most concerned with the question of agency through experimental writing. I agree with Norman Denzin that this perspective “is not for everyone. It is based on a research philosophy that is counter to much of the traditional scientific research tradition in the social sciences” (p. 1). My aim is to perform involving minimal theory, show rather than tell, and engage rather than explain. As Denzin argues, researchers should use the interpretive approach “only when they want to examine the relationships between personal troubles and the public policies and public institutions that have been created to address those troubles. Interpretive interactionism speaks to this interrelationship between private lives and public responses to personal troubles. It works outward from the biography of the person” (Denzin, 2001, p. 2).

Recommended Citation

Malagreca, Miguel. 2006. “Writing Queer Across the Borders of Geography, Desire, and Power.” Pp. 187-204 in Re-Membering Anzaldúa: Human Rights, Borderlands, and the Poetics of Applied Social Theory: Engaging with Gloria Anzaldua in Self and Global Transformations (Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge: Volume IV, Special Issue, 2006.) Belmont, MA: Okcir Press (an imprint of Ahead Publishing House).

The various editions of Re-Membering Anzaldúa: Human Rights, Borderlands, and the Poetics of Applied Social Theory: Engaging with Gloria Anzaldua in Self and Global Transformations can be ordered from the Okcir Store and are also available for ordering from all major online bookstores worldwide (such as Amazon, Barnes&Noble, and others).

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