Journal Article — Finding My Work Utopia: Examining My Work Experiences and Position in Society — by Laura Zuzevich


As I prepare to search for a job after graduation, there are many factors that I must consider in order to understand exactly what I am looking for in a job. I am unsure at this time as to what type of job I am looking for. Through examining several factors sociologically in this paper I hope to reach a greater understanding of what I am searching for.

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As I prepare to search for a job after graduation, there are many factors that I must consider in order to understand exactly what I am looking for in a job. I am unsure at this time as to what type of job I am looking for. However, I do realize that I can draw on my past paid and unpaid work and labor experiences to recognize what characteristics I find desirable and undesirable in a job or work environment. Furthermore, through examining my position in society in relation to my social class, gender, and race, I will be able to understand what advantages or obstacles I may face in finding and maintaining a job in relation to others. Through examining these factors in this paper I hope to reach a greater understanding of what I am searching for.

Recommended Citation

Zuzevich, Laura. 2008. “Finding My Work Utopia: Examining My Work Experiences and Position in Society.” Pp. 207-218 in Sociological Imaginations from the Classroom: Plus A Symposium on the Sociology of Science Perspectives on the Malfunctions of Science and Peer Reviewing (Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge: Volume VI, Issue 2, 2008.) Belmont, MA: Okcir Press (an imprint of Ahead Publishing House).

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