Journal Article — ‘Epistemic Coyotismo’ and Transnational Collaboration: Decolonizing the Danish University — by Julia Suárez-Krabbe


In the Danish university, outlooks on the countries of the South and issues of development are strongly conditioned by hegemonic perspectives marked by coloniality. Although, in an era of neoliberal university reform, decolonial critique of dominant forms and institutions of knowledge is a marginal pursuit, the author draws on the experience of the collective Andar Descolonizando, based at Roskilde University, to suggest some ways in which decolonizing critique can be trained on the university institution itself and its “position within global articulations of power.”

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In the Danish university, outlooks on the countries of the South and issues of development are strongly conditioned by hegemonic perspectives marked by coloniality. Although, in an era of neoliberal university reform, decolonial critique of dominant forms and institutions of knowledge is a marginal pursuit, the author draws on the experience of the collective Andar Descolonizando, based at Roskilde University, to suggest some ways in which decolonizing critique can be trained on the university institution itself and its “position within global articulations of power.” Such critical work, aiming in particular at epistemic racism, can be accomplished through what the author calls, with Nelson Maldonado-Torres, “epistemic coyotismo,” that is, introducing into the discussion theories and perspectives that are generally excluded from academia—thereby causing them to be recognized at least, if not openly accepted, in pursuit of decolonizing forms of collaboration with social movements in the South.

Recommended Citation

Suárez-Krabbe, Julia. 2012. “‘Epistemic Coyotismo’ and Transnational Collaboration: Decolonizing the Danish University.” Pp. 31-44 in Decolonizing the University: Practicing Pluriversity (Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge: Volume X, Issue 1, 2012.) Belmont, MA: Okcir Press (an imprint of Ahead Publishing House).

The various editions of Decolonizing the University: Practicing Pluriversity can be ordered from the Okcir Store and are also available for ordering from all major online bookstores worldwide (such as Amazon, Barnes&Noble, and others).

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