Journal Article — Editor’s Note: Peer Reviewing the Peer Review Process — by Mohammad H. Tamdgidi


To meet the highest standards of scholarship, liberatory editorial practices need to transition from static peer reviewed to dynamic peer reviewing models that de-couple publication from defective pre-publication peer review requirements, and engage in alternative peer review practices that remain open to all those wishing to review a manuscript at any time in the post-publication phase—encouraging expanded and deepening exchanges among scholars, authors and readers alike.

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To meet the highest standards of scholarship, liberatory editorial practices need to transition from static peer reviewed to dynamic peer reviewing models that de-couple publication from defective pre-publication peer review requirements, and engage in alternative peer review practices that remain open to all those wishing to review a manuscript at any time in the post-publication phase—encouraging expanded and deepening exchanges among scholars, authors and readers alike. They need to invite critical thinking about prevailing and dominant paradigms and inflame creative spirits to forge new scholarly horizons and intellectual landscapes. And they need to embrace the subaltern voices in the academia and beyond, voices of those who have been deprived of cultivating their sociological imaginations through formal scholarly publishing avenues. Human Architecture warmly invites contributors and readers to peer review the innovative scholarships of learning published herein and to openly share their critical and constructive insights with one another in the future chronicles of this journal.

Recommended Citation

Tamdgidi, Mohammad H. 2005/2006. “Editor’s Note: Peer Reviewing the Peer Review Process.” Pp. vii-xv in Student Scholarships of Learning (Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge: Volume IV, Issues 1&2, 2005/2006). Belmont, MA: Okcir Press (an imprint of Ahead Publishing House).

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