Journal Article — Children: The Unheard Society — by Aaron Witkowski


This essay explores the concerns that I have about social policies regarding children in our society. While taking this course on social welfare, I was able to examine and relate to many of the topics covered. The course opened my eyes to my own feelings on how society regards people on welfare.

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This essay explores concerns that I have about social policies regarding children in our society. While taking this course on social welfare, I was able to examine and relate to many of the topics covered. The course opened my eyes to my own feelings on how society regards people on welfare. In doing so, I realized the injustices that occur everyday in our policies towards such a large part of our society. Because of recent events related to September 11th, I believe the American public is becoming emotionally more sympathetic. Hopefully, we as a society can carry these sympathetic emotions into our policy-making processes. And that we as a society strive to correct what we have unjustly done. We cannot erase the past but we have an opportunity to change the future.

Recommended Citation

Witkowski, Aaron. 2002. “Children: The Unheard Society.” Pp. 111-119 in Student Life Courses & Social Policies (Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge: Volume I, Issue 1, 2002.) Belmont, MA: Okcir Press (an imprint of Ahead Publishing House).

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