From Hafez Shirazi, A Poem in New English Verse Translation
Jamsheed’s Cup
Heart was asking me for Jamsheed’s Cup, for many years,
Asking others for what was in its own nows and heres!
A pearl that’s beyond ocean’s shell of being and place
Begged for itself from those lost on the ocean shores’ piers!
God had been with it, in all its states of emptiness,
But, not seeing Him, it shed away its “O God!” tears!
I took my problem to the elder magi last night,
One who solved puzzles by looking, not just what appears.
I found him happy and laughing, his wine cup in hand,
Watching himself with all its hundred mirror-like gears.
All the magic his self was performing at that place
Were like hand motions of Sumers, Moseses, and peers.
He told me: “The friend who had been hanged so high to die,
Was hanged since he disclosed secrets without any fears.
One who like a blossom hid secret truths in his heart
Wrote this on his mind’s margins, one that still perseveres:
‘If the Holy Spirit cares to help again,’ he wrote,
‘All can perform what was done by Jesus or such seers.’”
I asked: “When did He Give you this worldview cup, O wise?”
He said: “On that day when He Fastened this blue dome’s spheres.”
I asked: “Then, why Send in row His tangled-haired idols?”
He said: “Hafez griped from heart; came his Beloved’s dears.”
— Hafez Shirazi (14th century AD)
(© Interpretation and English Verse Translation by Mohammad H. (Behrooz) Tamdgidi, Nov. 17, 2018)
Note 1: For further insights on how the above poem relates to Okcir’s interest in human architecture, sociology of self-knowledge, and utopystics, see Tamdgidi’s
- From Utopistics to Utopystics: Integrative Reflections on Potential Contributions of Mysticism to World-Systems Analyses and Praxes of Historical Alternatives,
- Utopystics and the Asiatic Modes of Liberation: Gurdjieffian Contributions to the Sociological Imaginations of Inner and Global World-Systems
- “Je suis Henri”: Charlie Hebdo’s Tragic Caricature of the Principle of Human Liberty
Note 2: For further information about Hafez Shirazi visit here.
ضمنأ، غزلى از حافظ شيرازى، در ترجمه ى منظومِ فارسى به انگليسى:
چشمه اى كهن از شرق و ايران در جامعه شناسىِ خودآگاهى، انسانْ معمارى، و عرفانشهرسازى
جامِ جم
سالها دل طلب جام جم از ما میکرد،
وان چه خود داشت ز بیگانه تمنّا میکرد!
گوهری کز صدف کُوْن و مکان بیرون است
طلب از گمشدگانِ لبِ دریا میکرد!
بیدلی، در همه احوال، خدا با او بود.
او نمیدیدش و از دور «خدایا» میکرد!
مشکل خویش برِ پیرِ مُغان بردم دوش
کو به تأییدِ نظر حلّ معما میکرد.
دیدمش خُرّم و خندان، قدحِ باده به دست،
واندر آن آینه صد گونه تماشا میکرد.
این همه شعبدﮤ خویش که میکرد آنجا
سامری پیش عصا و ید بیضا میکرد.
گفت: «آن یار، کز او گشت سر دار بلند،
جرمش این بود که اسرار هویدا میکرد.
آنکه چون غنچه دلش راز حقیقت بنهفت
ورق خاطر از این نکته مُحشّا می کرد:
‘فیض روح القدس ار باز مدد فرماید
دیگران هم بکنند آنچه مسیحا میکرد’.»
گفتم: «این جام جهانبین به تو کِی داد، حکیم؟»
گفت: «آن روز که این گنبد مینا میکرد.»
گفتمش: «سلسلهٔ زلف بتان از پی چیست؟»
گفت: «حافظ گلهای از دل شیدا میکرد!»
– حافظ شيرازى ( قرن هشتم هجرى)
(تعبير و ترجمه اى منظوم به زبان انگليسى از محمدحسين (بهروز) تمجيدى، ٢٦ آبان ١٣٩٧)